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Podcasting auf Deutsch

Hallo! Heute werde ich über Podcasting schreiben. This week I explored Podcasting and it's benefits and uses in the classroom. Podcasts are simply a series of episodes that you can stream or download. More often than not they are audio files but occasionally there are videos or documents to accompany the audio. Podcasts are commonly subscribed to and listed to on a weekly basis.

Podcasts are a part of my daily life. As a commuter I spend three hours of my day in my car. Podcasts help the time go bye quickly and also help me stay up-to-date on what's going on in the world. Some of the podcasts I subscribe to are: Pop Culture Happy Hour, TEDTalks Education, Unqualified, and the one we will be discussing today: Coffee Break German.

One of the harder parts of learning German is the grammar as it differs greatly from English. Verb placement and verb conjugation tend to be extremely difficult. Haben and sein, the verbs for to have and to be are particularly challenging for English speakers. Think of our own uses of to be and to have.

I have/had                           I am/was
You have/had                     You are/were
He/she/it has/had                He/she/it is/was
They have/had                    They are/were
We have/had                       We are/were

They are irregular verbs and for a NNS (non-native speaker) it can be quite challenging to determine which to use and when.

I am ten years old. I have just celebrated my birthday. I am sick. I have a cold.

Clearly English is complicated but German has it's own grammatical quirks which make it challenging for students to understand. The Coffee Break German Podcast provides a different way for students to access the content. I would use the season 2 lesson 18 Coffee Break German podcast to help students better understand haben and sein.

Since the podcast is 36 minutes long, it is too long to use in a standard 45-50 minute class block. However it is perfect for a flipped classroom or a language lab. I would have students listen to the podcast with their notes from class and their textbook in front of them. Students would add to/supplement their notes with phrases, words, or sentences from the podcast. Students could round out their learning with a quiz on Quizlet or a speaking activity on VoiceThread., which gives me something other than a traditional assessment to assess them on.

Podcasts can obviously have many uses in the classroom. There is a podcast for everything! Once you find a few podcast you enjoy the options of how to use them are limitless. Students could even create their own podcast for the class/course.

Performance Indicator - LOTE.ML.1.1.A.A:
Students can comprehend language consisting of simple vocabulary and structures in face-to-face conversation with peers and familiar adults.
Performance Indicator - LOTE.ML.1.1.A.B:
Students can comprehend the main idea of more extended conversations with some unfamiliar vocabulary and structures as well as cognates of English words.
Students can call upon repetition, rephrasing, and nonverbal cues to derive or convey meaning from a language other than English. 


  1. One of the best things a teacher can have is forced down-time. I have a 30 minute commute and while that is much shorter than yours, it has certainly provided me with some time to think of ideas for my classroom. I think it is great that you have this time to listen to podcasts and really delve into some things you can use for your classroom. Also, I applaud the fact that you use it for this purpose since I would probably be listening to music or talking via Bluetooth to whomever was up/home.

    I like that you recognize what is too long for your students. Too many people made the mistake of stretching the attention of our students.


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